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The median sales price for homes in Naples Florida Vanderbilt Beach, is $730,249. This is based on 7898 sales. Average price per square foot for Naples Florida Vanderbilt Beach was $505.00. The average bedrooms is 3 and the average number of bathrooms is 2. There are currently 23075 properties for sale in Naples Florida Vanderbilt Beach. The current average listing price for homes for sale in Naples Florida Vanderbilt Beach is $1,069,197. The average days on the market for properties in Naples Florida Vanderbilt Beach is 118. The average asking price for Naples Florida Vanderbilt Beach properties is $769,444. Also, the actual selling price is $730,249. The difference between the average asking and selling price is -5.09%.

Active Properties Statistics

Properties On Market

2 Story: 10
Apartment: 48
Duplex: 111
High Rise (8 or more): 1230
Low Rise (1-3 Floors): 4494
Manufactured: 800
Mid Rise (4-7 Floors): 1251
Multi-Story Home: 119
Penthouse: 9
Single Family: 13376
Stilts: 71
Townhouse: 539
Villa Attached: 938
Villa Detached: 79

Avg. Asking Price

2 Story: $1,662,550
Apartment: $413,256
Duplex: $552,290
High Rise (8 or more): $1,957,211
Low Rise (1-3 Floors): $529,294
Manufactured: $220,724
Mid Rise (4-7 Floors): $1,032,351
Multi-Story Home: $2,181,081
Penthouse: $1,255,778
Single Family: $1,278,186
Stilts: $1,330,015
Townhouse: $408,044
Villa Attached: $565,430
Villa Detached: $1,357,986

Avg. Beds & baths

2 Story: 4/3
Apartment: 2/2
Duplex: 2/2
High Rise (8 or more): 3/2
Low Rise (1-3 Floors): 2/2
Manufactured: 2/2
Mid Rise (4-7 Floors): 2/2
Multi-Story Home: 4/3
Penthouse: 3/3
Single Family: 3/2
Stilts: 3/2
Townhouse: 3/2
Villa Attached: 2/2
Villa Detached: 3/2

Avg. Asking Price Per Sqft

2 Story: $575
Apartment: $397
Duplex: $325
High Rise (8 or more): $821
Low Rise (1-3 Floors): $354
Manufactured: $1639
Mid Rise (4-7 Floors): $554
Multi-Story Home: $616
Penthouse: $496
Single Family: $477
Stilts: $658
Townhouse: $248
Villa Attached: $329
Villa Detached: $560

Sold Properties

Average Asking Price

2 Story: $1,292,000
Apartment: $401,207
Duplex: $470,402
High Rise (8 or more): $1,790,827
Low Rise (1-3 Floors): $499,366
Manufactured: $193,875
Mid Rise (4-7 Floors): $700,907
Multi-Story Home: $2,162,980
Penthouse: $1,310,725
Single Family: $850,075
Stilts: $1,222,056
Townhouse: $397,989
Villa Attached: $565,927
Villa Detached: $1,332,986

Average Selling Price

2 Story: $1,225,000
Apartment: $381,760
Duplex: $452,915
High Rise (8 or more): $1,679,746
Low Rise (1-3 Floors): $476,491
Manufactured: $181,614
Mid Rise (4-7 Floors): $671,835
Multi-Story Home: $1,990,073
Penthouse: $1,265,975
Single Family: $805,988
Stilts: $1,108,639
Townhouse: $386,580
Villa Attached: $546,723
Villa Detached: $1,284,766

Selling vs Asking Price

2 Story: -5.19%
Apartment: -4.85%
Duplex: -3.72%
High Rise (8 or more): -6.2%
Low Rise (1-3 Floors): -4.58%
Manufactured: -6.32%
Mid Rise (4-7 Floors): -4.15%
Multi-Story Home: -7.99%
Penthouse: -3.41%
Single Family: -5.19%
Stilts: -9.28%
Townhouse: -2.87%
Villa Attached: -3.39%
Villa Detached: -3.62%

Avg. Days On Market

2 Story: 161
Apartment: 103
Duplex: 114
High Rise (8 or more): 133
Low Rise (1-3 Floors): 111
Manufactured: 115
Mid Rise (4-7 Floors): 142
Multi-Story Home: 162
Penthouse: 68
Single Family: 119
Stilts: 119
Townhouse: 111
Villa Attached: 109
Villa Detached: 117

* These market statistics are not guaranteed to be accurate. The statistics are meant only as an estimate. Contact your agent for more detailed statistics.

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